Rishikesh Yogkulam

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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Come and join us for the unforgettable experience of a lifetime

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh, India

Beginner's Course For Yoga Lovers

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India is for seekers who wish to explore the most authentic and purest form of Yoga and strengthen their practice. Our school, Rishikesh Yogkulam®, situated in the heart of Rishikesh offers 100 Hour YTTCs200 Hour YTTCs300 Hour YTTCs and 500 Hour YTTCs

The 300 Hour course is an unequalled, month-long, complete immersion course which is ideal not only for individuals aspiring to establish themselves as holistic Yoga teachers in any part of the world but also for those wishing to experience the life changing movement - Yoga! It advances your knowledge and skill of Yoga and simultaneously helps you slow down, live in the present moment and connect to your true self, inspiring self-discovery on a physical and spiritual level.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Backed by millennia of experience, our 300 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh is a perfect blend of both - theory and practice! With a wide range of subjects from Anatomy and Physiology and Yoga philosophy to Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa, Restorative Asanas, Meditation, Yoga Therapy and Marma Points, this course revises the fundamentals and takes you into the advanced techniques of Yoga, making it the perfect choice for those who wish to deepen their practice. All through, we ensure a conducive environment for learning and growth.

A key highlight of this course is that in addition to focusing on Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda it also trains you in teaching methodologies by encouraging you to conduct your own demo class as a part of the coursework itself! This course, certified by the Yoga Alliance, USA, earns you a certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA, upon successful completion; allowing you to teach Yoga professionally in any part of the world.

What Get With This Course?

The Best Known 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Ready to elevate your yogic lifestyle with us? Join our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh and unleash a whole new you! Many people have experienced life-changing transformations by deepening their practice, gaining grounded strength, and restoring energized balance. Let us help guide you on your path of wellness - explore yoga like never before. 

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices originating in India. It involves the practice of poses that help to improve strength and flexibility while promoting balance and relaxation. Yoga also includes breathing exercises, meditation, and chanting. Yoga also has a spiritual component that encourages self-reflection and mindfulness.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

What does this 300-hour yoga teacher training give?

Gain insight on how to effectively and confidently make adjustments in class settings or navigate difficult scenarios - all while being guided by experienced spiritual gurus in our 300-hour yoga teacher training. You’ll learn key asanas, techniques for achieving body/mind harmony, control over movement in intricate poses - all while connecting more with nature. But that's not all; this learning experience is rounded out by gaining an insight into suitable diets & purity ceremonies.

Our Yoga classes provide students the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on yogic living through our meticulously designed program. Our instruction helps individuals understand how to relax their body and mind, emphasizing perfecting personal space in one's life. Through this course, participants can shift from mundane thinking to an elevated consciousness of balance and harmony between themselves and the world around them.

Join our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh with our reputed school and unleash a whole new you! 

Transform your life with this powerful course! First, unlock the history of yoga and perceive an unparalleled understanding of its asanas. Then, learn their impact on Lifestyle, Pranayama, and Meditation to optimize both physical & mental properties, plus Yogic discipline - from diet to cleansing services - so you can become a certified instructor.

Many people have experienced life-changing transformations by deepening their practice, gaining grounded strength, and restoring energized balance. Let us help guide you on your path of wellness - explore yoga like never before.

Why 300-Hour Yoga TTC?

Our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training course will empower you to confidently transition into a certified yoga teacher while developing yourself individually. Our robust instruction style combines logical and abstract comprehension with hands-on experience, allowing for the self-transformation from novice practitioner to the proficient instructor. Finely tuned through one-on-one teaching techniques, this approach ensures students can reach their greatest potential in yoga instructional proficiency and personal development progress.

Here is some news to celebrate. In collaboration with Yoga Alliance, we have created an exciting 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh program to provide students all over the world access to incredible standards of learning.

It's your time

Spend 300 hours discovering the depths of Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Immerse yourself in gaining a profound understanding and appreciation for each yogic experience by the best yoga school in Rishikesh.

Some Main Topics

Some Main Topics You have To Know

What is Hatha Yoga?

The human body has two side channels or Nadis, the Left channel (Ida Nadi) and the Right channel (Pingala Nadi). Ida Nadi is associated with lunar energy or the moon while Pingala Nadi is associated with solar energy or the Sun. With the practice of hatha yoga, both the energy gets balanced. And when both are balanced, then one can experience good health and wellness. Hatha Yoga is a stubborn yoga in which you need to perform different sets of physical postures with varied breathing techniques. The practice of hatha yoga was first discovered by Shiva. Also known as Adiyogi, Shiva discovers various styles of yoga. This link Hatha to the Shaivism tradition. The practice was later carried forward by Siddhas and Naths.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika was the oldest and ancient text on the physical practices of Hatha Yoga. The book was composed by Swami Swatamarama in the 15th century CE. The text is from older Sanskrit texts and personal yoga experiences of Swatamarama. Hatha Yoga works with the aim of illuminating the spiritual goals of an individual to the highest level.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India is conducted by Rishikesh Yogkulam® that helps you to expand your limits as a yogi to an extreme extent. We teach you on the basis of the ancient hatha yoga text, "Hatha Yoga Pradipika". Theoretical and practical classes are completely based on the text.

What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Vinyasa is a unique style of yoga which provides you with strength and helps in living your life gracefully. It further brings ecstasy in each and every moment. The name Vinyasa has two words in it, "Vi" meaning "Special" and "Nyasa" meaning "Establishment". It can interpret the meaning of Vinyasa as establishing the mind into something special. The practice controls your mind. Vinyasa is a modern bring-out practice of the ancient Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga tradition.

Vinyasa Yoga is mainly about bodily movements and their coordination with breathing. Each asana is linked with breathing in this style of yoga. The uniqueness of the practice is that the two classes of vinyasa are never alike. There are many postures in this and each required a proper breathing pattern to move from one pose to another. One of the common yet complex examples of Vinyasa yoga is Surya Namaskar (known as Sun Salutation) in English.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yogkulam® are registered with Yoga Alliance, USA. The pattern is based on multi-style yoga asanas. The 300 Hours YTTC are based on the complete practice of the Vinyasa style, with its theoretical and practical classes.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

The name Ashtanga can easily be explained with the words it comprises. "Ashta" is a Sanskrit word which means "Eight" and "Anga" is also another Sanskrit word meaning "Limb". Ashtanga Yoga is an Eight Limb yoga with a plethora of benefits. These eight limbs of ashtanga yoga describe different branches of Yoga Sutras. The eight limbs are Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-discipline), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sense withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (oneness with the self).

Dwitya Pada or the second part of Patanjali Yoga Sutras mentiones these eight limbs on the shloka, "Yama-niyama-asana-pranayama-pratyahara-dharana-dyana-samadhyaya-astavangani". These are considered the holistic approach for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual purity of an individual.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh by Rishikesh Yogkulam® is in accordance with various styles of yoga. One among them is the Ashtanga style. It helps you in becoming a confident and efficient yoga guru of the ashtanga style.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an exercise of the mind. When we are taking care of our physical wellness, then it becomes necessary to keep an eye on mental health too. With meditation, one can easily keep one's mind calm and cool. Meditation is the exercise of mind which assists you in making your mind better. Meditation is not as simple as it seems, it includes a set of exercises and techniques which you need to know if you are practicing it for the first time.

If you are not including Meditation in your daily routine or exercise schedule then it will surely become difficult for you to concentrate on a task. When our mind is not in a stable condition or is agitated then we can't focus on any exercise or chore. That is why meditation is considered a mindful practice which is beneficial in keeping you relaxed. Furthermore, it reduces anxiety and stress.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India includes a proper schedule and curriculum as set by Yoga Alliance, USA. We include a meditation class in it. There are many reasons to do so. Meditation can be considered as the warm-up exercise for your daily yoga session. Also, it will keep your mood fresh for the whole day so that you engage well with your co-mates and teachers.

What is Pranayama?

"Prana" is the Sanskrit word which means "Life force or energy" and "Yama" means "Control". Pranayama is a yogic practice which controls the life energy of an individual. It is much important in maintaining the complete wellness of a person by balancing their mental and physical power. The practice is a 3-step process including inhalation, holding, and exhalation. You need to inhale completely, continue by holding the breath for some time, and then exhalation of the breath completes the process.

Pranayama holds great importance as the regular practice of it comes up with lots of positive changes. It also frees you from the disturbing mental, emotional, and spiritual cycle. The utmost aim of the pranayam is to create a strong connection between the body and mind. It supports supplying enough oxygen to the body by eliminating toxins.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Pranayama can be practiced as a single class or can also be practiced with other classes like Asanas, and Meditation. The curriculum of the 300 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh includes a class of Pranayama, taught by well-experienced and knowledgeable teachers of the school.

What Are The Highlights?

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Outline

  • Daily yoga sessions
  • Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga Yoga practice
  • Meditation and Pranayama classes.
  • In-Depth study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
  • History and Overview of Yoga
  • Eight limbs of Yoga
  • Skeletal and Muscular system of the body
  • The Nervous System
  • Postural knowledge & Injury avoidance
  • Balancing of Energy
  • Discovering self-practice routine
  • Be a confident teacher by improving your teaching abilities
  • Discovering your own style of teaching
  • How to sequence your class
  • How to give instructions
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

This Course Highlights

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Get the teacher training manual on arrival

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Explore Rishikesh, the soul of Yoga

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Accredited certificate by Yoga Alliance

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Food and Accommodation

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

12+ years of experience and excellence in Yoga

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Each class with a group of maximum 15-20 students

YTTC Course Detail Summary

Course Syllabus - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

The following subjects are indicative of what you will study on this course:-


Anatomy of the subtle bodyLearn about how the body is receptive to the universal energy through Chakras, Pranas, Nadis


Marma pointsLearn to locate and activate these energy points to stimulate healing.


RestorativeLearn how to teach the restorative style of yoga - the techniques used for deeply relaxing the body.


PranayamaLearn to control and monitor breathing patterns for complete circulation.


Advanced methodologyLearn correct postural integration & Art of Adjustments


Chants/MantrasRecitation of chants to enhance focus and memory.


Yoga SutrasLearn the aphorisms from the texts of Patanjali which form the spiritual framework of Yoga.


Anatomy & PhysiologyGet in depth understanding of the internal systems and processes of the human body.


Applied anatomyTheoretical and practical understanding of the application of anatomy for diagnosis and cure.


AsanaLearn to perform Yoga poses and understand their benefits.


SanskritUnderstand and learn the traditional Sanskrit terms.


Yoga PhilosophyLearn the theory from the ancient scriptures & put the same into practice and their adaptation to modern Yoga.


Prop usageUse props and equipment to aid support while performing poses and enhance their benefit.


MeditationLearn about the association of meditation with Yoga, and learn to practice the same.


Yoga TherapyTheoretical and practical understanding of Yoga for health benefits.


Shatkarma: Boost your well-being with the ancient yogic art of cleansing and revitalizing through purifying practices for a happier and healthier you.

Book Your Slot

Book Your Yoga Slot With Rishikesh Yogkulam® At Best Price

How To Book Your Spot

Please note that our yoga courses fill up well in advance, please apply in time to secure your seat. To register please click on apply now button fill out the application form and submit. Once you are accepted you will need to pay a deposit of 300$ to confirm your reservation.

You can get all details regarding booking your course on the website with steps. Following the steps helps you in confirming your seat and makes you ready to join the soulful journey of 300 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Once you complete all the necessary steps and deposit the booking amount, start packing your bag and make your mind up to start a new part of your life, the divine one.

One Time Investment

The yoga course fee starts from

1199 USD1599 USD

with our early bird discount

Enroll Course Buy Course Now

"Invest Once and Get the Benefits of Lifetime with Yoga in Rishikesh."

Experience the Best Accommodation at Rishikesh Yogkulam®

At Rishikesh Yogkulam® you will surely feel the comfort of a Home Away From Home. We understand the importance of a conducive environment for your yoga teacher training course.we leave no stone unturned when it comes to accommodation facilities for our students.Thus we offer the most comfortable accommodation to ensure you enjoy every moment of your training journey. Our facilities are designed to enhance your learning experience by providing a peaceful and relaxing stay.

here ‘s more on how we aim to achieve the same:

  • Comfort and Convenience: Our accommodations are thoughtfully designed to provide comfort and coziness. Whether you choose a twin-shared or private room, you will feel at home with our modern amenities and cozy atmosphere.
  • Two Dedicated Buildings: Our campus has two separate buildings to cater to different courses. Our first building is dedicated to the 200 hour yoga teacher training courses, while the second building is intended for the 300 hour yoga teacher training courses . Undoubtedly, both are well- equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to enhance and support the training needs of our students.
  • Homely Atmosphere: Our accommodation promises a homely atmosphere which means you can relax more, worry less, and simply focus on your studies. The serene environment coupled with comfortable settings contribute significantly to your overall training experience and make it more effective and enjoyable.
  • Modern Facilities: Each of our buildings is equipped with modern facilities to ensure your stay is as pleasant as possible. We have comfy beds you will want to sink into after a long day of classes and asanas, clean and well-maintained bathrooms, every detail is taken care of to provide you with a home away from home.
  • Air Conditioning Available: Air conditioning is available at an additional cost, but it is important to inquire about it before booking, as there are a limited number of rooms with AC. Ensure you ask about AC availability to secure your preferred room.

Building 1 (200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training)

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Building 2 (300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training)

accommodation accommodation accommodation accommodation accommodation accommodation accommodation accommodation

Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Soul with Our Delicious Vegetarian Food at Rishikesh Yogkulam®

Ditch the takeout and fuel your inner yogi! At Rishikesh Yogkulam®, we believe that the food you consume plays a vital role in your yogic journey. Our professional and dedicated kitchen staff prepares homemade meals with love and care, nourishing your body, mind and soul,enhancing your yoga teacher training experience. We follow a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian diet in yoga.Which aligns with the yoga philosophy of living a harmonious and balanced lifestyle. Maintaining purity and clarity of mind through a vegetarian diet is essential for a deeper connection with your practice.

What We Offer:

  • Three Delicious Meals Daily:Feast like a yogi! Keep yourself fueled up throughout the day by consuming three delicious and vegetarian meals every day, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner from Monday to Saturday.
  • Refreshing Teas:Alongside our meals, we serve refreshing herbal teas, juices and drinks to keep you hydrated and energized throughout the day.
  • Special Dietary Needs: We also accommodate vegan and gluten-free diets. If you have specific dietary requirements, please inform us before booking to ensure we can cater to your needs. Severe food allergies may not be accommodated during the training so it's important to communicate in advance about any serious allergies.
  • Sundays for Exploration:Sundays are all exclusively yours to explore. We do not serve meals that day. Giving you the opportunity to explore the delightful cafes, restaurants around Rishikesh and enjoy the local cuisine.
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Time Table At Rishikesh Yogkulam®

Daily Schedule - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh 2024-25

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is specially designed to keep the student in contemplation of the subject matter throughout the day while also allowing them personal time. This schedule is the best integration of theory and practice, helping the student stay fresh and energetic throughout the day. The daily schedule is as follows:

The daily schedule is as follows:

05:30 AM

Morning Bell

06:15 AM - 07:15 AM

Hatha Yoga

07:30 AM - 08:30 AM


08:30 AM - 09:30 AM


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Yoga Philosophy

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Alignment And Adjustment

The Right Schedule for the Right Practice

Anyone can learn yoga and spiritual practice but is that enough? Besides gaining essential knowledge of yoga, it is also necessary to have a close look at the life of a yogi because this is what makes you a true yogi. For this purpose, our yoga school in Rishikesh designed a proper schedule/timetable for the students opting for the course as it will induce proper discipline in you making you ready to embark on the right journey of yoga and divinity.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Note:-Yin Yoga/Restorative Yoga Once a week

Book Course Pay Course

12:15 PM - 01:15 PM

Yoga Anatomy And Physiology/Yoga Therapy

01:30 PM - 02:30 PM


03:15 PM - 04:00 PM

Yoga Teaching Methodology

04:15 PM - 05:45 PM

Ashtanga Vinyasa

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM


07:30 PM - 08:30 PM


Note*:Schedule is subjected to change.

Points To Be Noted

Instructions You Have To Follow With Rishikesh Yogkulam®

Important Instructions

  • Discipline is an integral part of the training program and so the course routine must be strictly observed.
  • All classes are mandatory. Only in case of an emergency or illness can one take leave with the respected teacher’s permission. Uninformed leaves won’t be accepted, will be considered a gross breach of discipline and will affect the student’s monthly performance.
  • Ensure you are on time for class since you will not be permitted to enter any class once it has commenced.
  • Disobeying the rules and regulations could result in termination of studentship with no refund of fees.
  • A student must give advance intimation if they intend to skip a meal so that there is no wastage of food.
  • Rishikesh Yogkulam® does not make arrangements for guests of students. Any activity that is not related to the course is not permitted.
  • Smoking and alcohol are not permitted during the training.
  • This program is not suitable for severe mental/physical health conditions and thus you’re advised to not take this training as a substitute of medical therapies and alternative healing therapies

Evaluation And Certification

  • Assessment will be based on written assignment.
  • A student’s teaching (Asana,Pranayama,Meditation) will be a part of the assessment criteria.
  • Evaluation will be carried out only for those students who have a minimum of 90% attendance.
  • Upon successful assessment, the student will receive a certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA.


It is mandatory to complete the 200 hour yoga teacher training course before, in order to enroll for 300 hour yoga teacher training course and to have an open mind & a thirst for learning and follow our Code of Conduct.

Total Fee For 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh: USD 1199

Upcoming Events

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Traininig Course - Dates 2024

300 hour yoga teacher training course offered by Rishikesh Yogkulam®. Certified by Yoga Alliance, USA.

1 Feb - 29 Feb 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Mar - 29 Mar 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Apr - 29 Apr 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 May - 29 May 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Jun - 29 Jun 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Jul - 29 Jul 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Aug - 29 Aug 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Sep - 29 Sep 2024 7 Seat Left $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Oct - 29 Oct 2024 6 Seat Left $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Nov - 29 Nov 2024 2 Seat Left $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Dec - 29 Dec 2024 5 Seat Left $1199$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Jan - 29 Jan 2025 Booking Closed ⛔ $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Unavailable
1 Feb - 28 Feb 2025 9 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Mar - 29 Mar 2025 3 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Apr - 29 Apr 2025 4 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 May - 29 May 2025 10 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Jun - 29 Jun 2025 5 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Jul - 29 Jul 2025 7 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Aug - 29 Aug 2025 7 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Sep - 29 Sep 2025 7 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Oct - 29 Oct 2025 6 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Nov - 29 Nov 2025 4 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now
1 Dec - 29 Dec 2025 5 Seat Left $1299$1750 $1599$2499 Apply Now

What Do The 300 Hour YTT Course Fees Include?

  • 28 nights in shared/private accommodation with attached bathroom.
  • Course material.
  • Three organic delicious meals per day, plus morning herbal tea. On Sunday, there are no meals so you can enjoy the cafes around.
  • Outdoor excursions that include some of the caves, temples, waterfalls, or local mountain villages.
  • Use of campus facilities such as free Wi-Fi.
  • life compass.
  • Complementary sound healing session.

What Is Not Included In The 300 Hour YTT Course Fees?

  • Private Accommodation - 400 USD additional.
  • The air conditioning facility is accessible in selected rooms with an extra charge of 150 USD.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

I wasn’t sure what would happen in India, but I felt like it was the right place to come and receive my 300 hrs training. I am happy to say that the universe led me in the right direction. Dheru and Amit are very knowledgeable teachers who taught the class well but also gave me the individual attention needed to help me progress in my practice. They are also caring and kind teachers who had genuine concern for the students to be successful and to assist us as needed throughout the course. The anatomy teacher, Anant, is amazing. This is my least favorite subject but Anant used many various methods to help with relaying information and I felt happy to attend his class each day. Our meditation teacher, Swami Amarna gave various meditations each day, and was just a joy to spend time meditating with. I especially enjoyed his dancing and his overall jovial qualities. It’s a tough course but it’s packed with good information and quality teaching. The rooms are comfy. They are very spacious and clean. You have a separate room in the same hotel room from your roommate....so it’s not the same as most of the other schools here where you have to sleep in twin beds next to each other in the same room. You get a double bed, separate room. Also food is delicious and you can eat as much as you like. I’m really happy I came here and I’m very grateful to all the teachers for the mentoring and attention. Special thanks to Dheru (for taking me on an inversion journey) and Amit (your alignment class was amazing). Hope to see you all in the future time and again. HAR HAR MAHADEV!

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Grecelle Cornock


Book Your Spot & Get Connected with Divine

How Does a Class at Rishikesh Yogkulam® Looks Like?

Rishikesh Yogkulam® offers various courses varying from the Beginner Level to an Advanced Level. The classes are indoor and outdoor. The indoor classes are performed in the yoga hall at our yoga school. While the classes are going on, the windows are kept open so that students get fresh air and proper ventilation and can perform yoga with greater zeal. To keep the class away from disturbance, cell phones are prohibited in the yoga hall and unnecessary talking is also not allowed.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

What Does A Student Get After The Completion Of The Course?

When the 300 hour teacher training in Rishikesh is at its end, the enrolled students will have the privilege to get handed a certificate from the yoga school. This certificate is of immense importance as this certificate states that these students have completed the course from that regarded association and institution. They are also approved to become yoga instructors if they wish to do so. This certificate is rewarded and verified by the Yoga Alliance, which has been the leading association of people in the yogic lifestyle for a long time.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Join Us Now Chat with us

Firstly, Rishikesh Yogkulam® averages a 3.5* rating on Book Yoga Retreats - I feel, from my personal experience, that this is a wholly wrong depiction of how amazing this school truly is. If I could give above 5 stars, I would!

This is a yoga school that does things right. Having been to several different schools for yoga & meditation across India and Nepal, I've realised that these guys are far and away the best among the lot. From the teachers, to the accommodation, to the quality of the course - you really shouldn't bother looking anywhere else! Their focus is on developing your asanas in the best way possible: the classes on alignment and teaching methodology are what makes this course incredibly unique.

You get a warm/personal welcome once you get to the school. The rooms are fabulous in every way - if you pick a shared room, then each of you are in a 'separate' room - you open the door, and there is one room. You go through another door to the second room. Attached to the rooms are a bathroom (WITH A RAIN SHOWER!) and balcony. For those of you in single rooms, you sometimes get a living room. Truly, the hotel they chose to host the courses was one of the best I stayed in throughout several months spent in India!

The yoga classes were also unsurpassed as I mentioned above - Dhirendra and Amit, the founders of the school, are far and away the best teachers out there who can ground you in how to be a great yoga practitioner AND a great yoga teacher. Dhirendra knew how to break down complicated poses during Hatha in a simplified, organized manner - I did poses I never knew I could do, and all the while I felt positive and encouraged! Amit's knowledge on alignment and his ability to break down Ashtanga into bite-sized, doable pieces would make even a beginner feel that they are the most accomplished yogi. Together, the both of them weaved amazing methodology to create a course that pushes you in terms of your practice, your ability to teach and your knowledge on alignment. There are very few schools and teachers out there who bother to make you understand how to align, both yourself and others. These two know the importance of these things and hence focus on it, particularly for the 300 hour training.

The other teachers - from pranayama to philosophy to anatomy - are also among the best teachers I have encountered. Pranayama methods were taught at both basic and advanced levels; philosophy tied together everything we had learnt and anatomy was done through an 'applied' manner such that it didn't feel like we were simply learning GCSE Biology and body systems. D and Amit have definitely chosen the best teachers across all of Rishikesh, and it truly shows in the way this course is executed.

The bottom line is - D and Amit are young, having broken away from being lead teachers in a different school to start their own school because they began to realise what was wrong with other schools and they wanted to do things right. They care. If you give them feedback, they work hard to remember and improve based on your suggestions. They remember what you need, and you always feel like you can go to them if anything goes wrong. They also go out of their way to entertain you, from taking you out on great excursions, or to a 'full' Indian wedding, or making it a point to celebrate birthdays in a special way - it is truly amazing, what these guys have created and I would highly advise everyone to sign up so they can get individualised attention.. before this school becomes famous (remember they are really new!) and more people get in on the action!

Note that this is an intense course - one that challenges you but also changes your very core. I would do it all over again.

If I can think of one thing that can be improved upon just to balance out my gushing,  it would be the food.  On some days it was bland. But this is such a minor thing and you can very easily pop into one of the wonderful restaurants or bakeries nearby to remedy your tastebuds! Loved the course, and loved my time here!

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Claire Hooi


What You Know Before This Course

Skill Level Of 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

People often have a conception that they need to have a flexible and easily adaptable body to join the 300-hour teacher training course in Rishikesh. But this is far from the truth one can get. Rather than a flexible body, we require our students just to have an open and flexible mind so that they can get into the practices of yoga and its lifestyle very easily. The body is progressively more versatile and flexible by steady practice and time, so we do not want our students to stress about it. With the assistance from our esteemed teachers that you get from our 300 hours yoga teacher training course, you will improve your overall versatility and flexibility both physically and mentally. Any previous experience of yoga is not needed since we will walk you through the outing all through the length of the course.

All levels of students are welcomed for this course; irrespective of you being a professional of yogic lifestyle, our classes confront all levels in their way. Our capable teachers change their way of teaching and assistance according to the different necessities and their student's needs so you will not at any point feel depleted, and you will find new things to become familiar with consistently. Lets us point out some of the types of people who can apply for this course:

  • Having no prior experience
  • Want to learn the basics again
  • Without a flexible body
  • Having an open mind
  • Wishing to develop their flexibility and strength
  • Wanting to adapt all the levels of yoga practice
  • Want to adapt to injuries and overcome physical limitations
  • Want to become a certified yoga teacher
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

One needs to ensure that your body's frameworks are very much coordinating with each other to bring forth the superior functioning and intellect of the person. Experience and wisdom are stored inside a body through time. The 300 hour yoga teacher training course is one of the finest ways that can assist you with building up a solid establishment of such experience and wisdom within your body. One can engage his relationship with his build through arrangement, asana, physiology, etc.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Our 300-hour yoga teacher training is extremely comprehensive. Be it for a yogi seeking to expand his knowledge or an individual who aspires to earn his reputation as a certified yoga instructor, this course is beneficial. It helps an individual to hone his development along with providing ample scope for self-development.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The methods that we use in the 300-hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh will assist you with uncovering your actual self and afterward build up a solid relationship with your soul. We resort to compelling methods like meditation, breathing procedures, asana, profound unwinding, and some more. We additionally plan a unique course that will assist you with having a brief look into yourself. When you go along with us, you clear a path for an upbeat and quiet life.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Indulging in the rich and wealth of yoga will help you change and grow in ways unimaginable. People’s brains and souls feel rejuvenated after they get into the yogic lifestyle. On the off chance that you select our 300-hour yoga teacher training, you can set up an association between your otherworldly presence and the universe. Invest some energy supporting yourself and drawing out the best form of yourself through yoga.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The professional approach that is taken during the course is some of the finest in the world. The classes are taken by talented and experienced Master Teachers of our school who offer the best and the most extravagant type of schooling. We offer the ideal sort of preparation and strategies that are the most appropriate for a 300 RYT® confirmation level.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Yoga assists a person with understanding his decisions, and they also look after those parts of the body that are responsible for these decision-makers. Thusly, an individual can genuinely find himself better when they indulge in yoga. Reflection is an ideal manner by which this information on self can be accomplished. The course incorporates numerous contemplation strategies that are incredible and powerful and help make a solid establishment.

There are not enough words to express the gratitude that I have for this wonderful school!  I feel so privileged to have been granted the opportunity to learn from each and every teacher.  The Asana classes were extremely in-depth and really helped me understand each pose in both Ashtanga and Hatha.  The classes were definitely challenging, but the growth I experienced was worth every drop of sweat.  The alignment and adjustment class was invaluable, giving me a detailed understanding of how to achieve each pose and helping me understand how to break down a pose to make it achievable for my students.  As a yoga teacher, attending this class really helped me feel more confident and prepared to help my students. The Philosophy class gave me a much better understanding of all aspects of yoga and I truly came to know and understand what the ultimate purpose of teaching yoga is.  Pranayama class was definitely an experience all on its own.  Not only did we learn about several pranayama techniques, but we also did them all practically with the guidance of the teacher.  Anatomy and physiology gave me a better grasp of the muscles and systems being activated as I moved through the asanas in Hatha and Ashtanga classes.  Yoga therapy and Ayurveda class gave me a different perspective on health, diet, and healing that I truly appreciate.  Meditation was a very practical approach where we experienced multiple types of meditation techniques, including active meditations.  Each experience was different and gave me ways to make meditation accessible to all types of students.  The 300 hour course was extremely well rounded and I feel that I am walking away with growth mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually as both a student and a teacher.

The excursions were extremely fun and I felt that I bonded with the teachers and other students on these trips.  From hiking to a waterfall, going white water rafting (even though it was freezing), experiencing a meditation cave and having fun out by the Ganga, and watching a beautiful sunrise over the Himalayas.  Each experience was unique and amazing.

The teachers really care and truly want each student to walk away as a better teacher of yoga.  I feel like I have a family in Rishikesh now.  The people I've met, the experiences I have had, the knowledge I have gained and the changes I have felt within me are a part of me now and I am forever grateful for this month of training.

I highly recommend this yoga teacher training to any yoga teacher or student seeking growth from teachers that pour their hearts into the knowledge they are sharing.  This is an experience that will last a lifetime.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Rosemary Bingaman


Get Healed From Inner

Get Healthy Mind With Emotional Release Treatment

In the journey of life, we encounter various experiences that shape who we are. While some moments bring joy and fulfillment, others can leave a profound impact on our emotional well-being. Past traumas, stress, grief, and anger, if left unresolved, can create blockages within our bodies, potentially leading to mental and physical illnesses. However, there is hope in the form of Emotional Release Treatment. This powerful therapeutic approach combines the use of Deep Acupressure points with Energized Breathing to facilitate the release of pent-up emotions and promote holistic healing.

Understanding Emotional Release Treatment.

Emotional Release Treatment is a therapeutic process designed to address the emotional and energetic imbalances that reside within us. It acknowledges that unexpressed emotions can manifest as physical and mental ailments, disrupting our overall well-being. This treatment approach recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and emotions, seeking to restore balance by encouraging the healthy expression and release of stored emotions.

The Role of Deep Acupressure Points.

Deep Acupressure points, also known as acupoints or energy meridians, are specific locations on the body that are believed to carry and regulate the flow of energy, or "qi." In Emotional Release Treatment, skilled practitioners apply gentle pressure to these points, stimulating the body's energy pathways and promoting the release of emotional blockages. By accessing these points, the treatment aims to restore the natural flow of energy, alleviating tension and facilitating emotional release.

The Power of Energized Breathing.

Energized Breathing is a technique that involves breathing deeply and rhythmically to increase oxygen intake and activate the emotional center of the brain, this helps body's relaxation response, reduce stress levels, and facilitate emotional healing. Conscious and intentional breathing patterns are practiced to encourage a deep sense of relaxation and release. As the breath is consciously directed, it helps to calm the mind, release stored tension, and facilitate the processing of emotions.

The Benefits of Emotional Release Treatment.

  • Overcoming past traumas: Emotional Release Treatment provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to process and release traumatic experiences that may have been stored within the body. By releasing these emotional imprints, individuals can experience a sense of liberation, healing, and personal growth.
  • Managing stress: Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on both our mental and physical health. Emotional Release Treatment offers a means of effectively managing stress by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and fostering emotional resilience.
  • Grief and loss support: Grief can be an overwhelming emotion that affects us deeply. Emotional Release Treatment can provide a space to express and process grief, allowing individuals to move through the stages of mourning and find solace and healing.
  • Resolving anger and frustration: Unresolved anger and frustration can contribute to a range of health issues. Emotional Release Treatment assists in expressing and releasing these pent-up emotions in a healthy and productive manner, reducing the risk of prolonged physical and mental distress.
  • Enhancing overall well-being: By restoring the natural flow of energy and facilitating emotional release, Emotional Release Treatment promotes a sense of inner harmony and balance. This can lead to improved mental clarity, increased self-awareness, and an overall enhanced quality of life.

Style Of Yoga For This Course

Style Of Yoga In The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Each Yoga style has its unique characteristics and philosophies contributing significantly to the holistic development of aspiring yoga practitioners and future teachers. Are you curious to learn more about the different styles of yoga and embark on a transformative journey of yoga in the heart of the yoga capital of the world then a 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is calling your name. Among the various styles and practices of yoga, our yoga teacher training in Rishikesh majorly focuses around two foundational and profound yoga styles: Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Additionally to provide a well-rounded experience and necessary break from the more demanding practices of ashtanga vinyasa, the training thoughtfully includes Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga sessions once a week. Embrace the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow in an environment that's as inspiring as it is nurturing. See you soon on the mat!

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa

Ashtanga Vinyasa

Yin Yoga/Restorative Yoga

Yin Yoga/Restorative Yoga (Once a week)

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Activity During The Course

Outdoor Activities & Excursions - Yoga Teacher Training in India

Engage in wholesome activities on the weekends during our Yoga Teacher Training Course. We arrange for exciting activities such as river rafting, waterfall visits, spiritual programs, temple visits, outdoor yoga sessions, dance classes, sunrise trekking, and much more.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Outdoor Yoga Practice

  • Experience outdoor Yoga sessions by the holy river Ganga.
  • Elevate your yoga practice amidst the serene beauty of nature.
  • Experience the energy of Mother Ganga.
  • Reconnect with nature.
  • Discover the importance of practicing outdoor yoga.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh


  • Immerse yourself in soulfull Kirtan
  • Experience this ancient spiritual practice of bhakti yoga
  • Tune in and sing- along to devotional music and uplifting chants
  • Connect with people as you experience spiritual harmony and peace
  • Feel the calm of kirtan
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Dance Class

  • Learn classical and bollywood dances.
  • Experience the holistic benefits of Dancing.
  • Use dance movement to bring awareness to the body and mind.
  • Experience dance as a way for spiritual expression and growth.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Visit to Neer Waterfall

  • Visit Rishikesh’s hidden gem, Neer waterfall.
  • Enjoy a peaceful hike in the woods up to the waterfall.
  • Witness the mesmerizing views.
  • Take a swim in the water
  • Ground yourself in nature.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Ganga Arti

  • Witness the mesmerizing tradition of worshiping the holy river Ganga
  • Watch as the priests perform daily rituals to worship the Ganga
  • Experience the scenic views, the sound of hymns, the warm glow from fire, the temple bells and the gentle river breeze.
  • Let the energy of the holy Ganga bring you inner peace
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

River Rafting

  • Experience the thrilling adventure of white water rafting
  • Prepare to navigate through exhilarating rapids
  • Enjoy the breathtaking landscapes
  • Create unforgettable memories
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Sunrise Trip To Kunjapuri Temple

  • Take a ride uphill to Kunjapuri temple
  • Experience picturesque sunrise views
  • Get a glimpse of village life
  • Explore rare bird sightings
  • Witness the breathtaking views of the greater Himalayas
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

Visit to Vashistha Cave Rishikesh

  • Named after Sage Vashistha who spent his time meditating in this cave
  • Connect with the divine energy of the Vashistha cave
  • Immerse yourself in deep meditation
  • View the peaceful banks of river Ganga

Course Summary

Course Summary Of 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

Arrival and check in on the 1st: You’ll be welcomed by us in the school on The 1st day of the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course. It is reserved for you to complete the check in process and thereafter rest as we understand that everyone gets exhausted after the day long journey. We also coordinate all the information for the next day.

Opening and Orientation program followed by the Holistic Ganga Aarti: The course begins on 2nd day with a traditional fire ceremony called Homa and Yajna, where students take the sankalpa also known as resolution for their one month journey of holistic experience and yogic way of life. We will also organize an orientation program for you on the same day where you will get the overview of your upcoming Yoga Teacher Training course and the things to keep in consideration while your time in Rishikesh. In the evening, you’ll be able to experience the famous Aarti by the Ganges which is a holy experience and opportunity of a lifetime.

The practice starts from the 3rd day and here’s an overview of the Different topics of Yoga Styles which you will practice during your yoga teacher training course in rishikesh. Key topics:


Hatha Yoga: During the Hatha Yoga class, you will have an advanced practice of Hatha Yoga poses through different sequences and enhanced understanding as well as the execution of each posture.


Ashtanga Vinyasa: Intensify the dynamic world of Ashtanga Vinyasa by practicing the primary and secondary series, depending upon the practice level of the group and students.


Pranayama: The pranayama practice will let you and other students learn and advance various breathing techniques to control and optimize your breath. A focused and deepening aspect of pranayama practice such as Bandha (locks) and Kumbhaka (retention) will be covered during the 300 hours yoga teacher training course.


Meditation: Increase your understanding and level of meditation practice during the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training course. The advanced practice of meditation will help you to master your monkey mind and achieve mental clarity and peace.


Yoga Anatomy and Physiology: Functional anatomy in the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training will help you understand the working of the human body in different yoga poses


Yoga Therapy: Yoga therapy sessions are the special sessions organized at Yogkulam, which we only provide during the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course. In this class students get to learn more about emphasizing the traditional Eastern techniques that promote healing and recovery. You will be learning about some common diseases and disorders which can be managed or cured through regular yoga practices.


Yoga Teaching Methodology: in this class you will learn about how to improve your teaching skill, by learning different methodology tools which will be very helpful for improving your teaching skills, you will get more exposure to teaching which will help you to gain more confidence and become a great Yoga Teacher.


Yoga Philosophy: Increase your knowledge about the philosophy of Yoga and its history, and the integration of its principles into everyday life, offering a holistic view of yoga beyond physical practices.


Alignment and Adjustment: Alignment and adjustment classes are focused on increasing your understanding while enhancing the practice of different yoga poses. The classes consist of detailed step-by-step guidance, various modifications according to your needs, and techniques for safely advising students in their practice.The experienced team of teachers will be guiding you to refine the students in various poses by perfecting your postures.

Sunday Outings: Sundays are a day off for you to rest and recover. After a long week of intense yoga practice, it is necessary for you to give yourself time and thus we take the students to different excursions on Sundays which are completely optional . These excursions differ every time according to the weather and availability. It can be A sunrise trip to Kunjapuri temple deep into the clouds or the famous Balkuwari temple which is famous for its valley view point Sunrise. One Sunday is reserved for the White Water River Rafting apart from the monsoon season. Other excursion places are Neer Waterfall, Sage Vashistha Cave etc.

Extracurricular Activities: You will also get to experience a few Extracurricular activities such as Bollywood Dance class, Kirtan and Sound Healing Session etc during the 300 hours Yoga Teacher training course in Rishikesh.

Closing ceremony and graduation: The graduation and closing ceremony marks the ending of our intense but transformative month-long journey of the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh at Yogkulam. During the ceremony we have a look back at our experience and the certification of the students while appreciating their efforts and commitment for training.

Study Material For This Course

Free Yoga Books PDF Collection

Check out our collection of free yoga books in PDF format available for you to download. These selected books offer a wealth of knowledge on various topics, perfect to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga. Improve your knowledge today with our free yoga books PDF collection.


Ajna Chakra


Mudra Bandha


The Ayurveda


Bhagwat Gita


Ayurveda Encyclopedia


Hatha Yoga


Moola Bandha


Prana & Pranayama


Tattwa Shuddhi


Yoga Sutras


Yogic Management


Full Syllabus For This Course

Detailed Syllabus - Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yogkulam® helps you in starting your journey and career in the glorious field of yoga. With our various courses and programs, you get to know much about it even in a short span of time. The syllabus of yoga in Rishikesh is maintained in such a way that every topic gets theoretically and practically covered. All the important topics are taught with our well-maintained syllabus and schedule.

Hatha Yoga

An ancient form of yoga with different benefits, the Hatha style is something describing different holistic techniques of yoga. As per the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, there are 15 physical poses namely, Svastikasana (Auspicious Pose), Gomukhasana (Cow-Facing Pose), Virasana (Hero’s Pose), Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose), Kukkutasana (Cockerel or Rooster Pose), Uttana Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Matsyendrasana (Seated Twisting Pose), Paschimatanasana (Seated Forward Bending Pose), Mayurasana (Peacock Pose), Shavasana (Corpse Pose), Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Simhasana (Lion Pose), and Bhadrasana (Throne Pose). The practice balances the body, mind, and spirit of an individual. Various divine activities like Pranayama, Mantra Chanting, Mudras, and Asanas also get covered in this style of yoga.

  • Bharadvajasana
  • Lolasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Sarpasana
  • Shalabhasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Janu Sirshasana
  • Parivirta Janu Sirshasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Padam Sarvangasana
  • Sirshasana
  • Natarajasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  • Naukasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Mayurasana
  • Koormasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Hanumanasana
  • Agnistambhasana
  • Brahmacharyasana
  • Astavakrasana
  • Ek Pada Sirasana
  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Pincha Mayurasana
  • Eka Pada Koundinyasana
  • Adho Mukha Vrksasana
  • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
  • Bakasana
  • Ek Pada Bakasana
  • Utthan Pristhasana
  • Pashasana
  • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana
  • Titibasana
  • Parshva Bakasana
  • Eka Pada Galavasana
  • Skandasana
  • Raja Kapotasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Anantasana
  • Parighasana
  • MandukAsana
  • Supta Padangusthasana
  • Setu Bandh Asana
  • Eka Pada Chakrasana
  • Padma Mayurasan
  • Dwi Pad Shirasan
  • Malasan
  • Vasisthasana

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

The Astanga Vinyasa yoga style created in the 20th century by Krishna Pattabhi is a modern form of the classical art of yoga. This style of yoga is linked with movements called vinyasa, which involves body movements and simultaneous breathing. It is a great form to increase flexibility.

The style is propagated by Pattabhi Jois, who learnt it from his teacher "Tirumalai Krishnamacharya". To expand it, Jois started his own Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in the year 1948. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an energetic style which works by getting breath synchronising with movements. Every single asana of the series is directly linked with flowing movements or Vinyasa. The style which is in current teaching is known as the "Mysore Style" as it originally originated in Mysore. It further gives rise to various other styles of Power Yoga.

  • Surya Namaskar A
  • Surya Namaskar B
  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahasthasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A B C & D
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasanaa A B & C
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana A & B
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana A B & C
  • Purvattanasana
  • Ardha Baddha Paschimottanasana
  • Triang Mukaikapada Pashimottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana A B & C
  • Marichyasana A B C & D
  • Navasana
  • Bhujapidasana A & B
  • Kurmasana
  • Supta Kurmasana
  • Garbha Pindasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Baddha Konasana A & B
  • Upavishta Konasana A&B
  • Supta Konasana A&B
  • Supta Padangusthasana
  • Ubhaya Padanghusthasana
  • Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
  • Urdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
  • Setu Bandhasana
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Pindasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Uttana Padasana
  • Sirsasana
  • Urdhva Dandasana
  • Yog Mudra
  • Utplutih
  • Savasana


An individual is stuck by many obstacles in their life. Some can be seen and so removed but some are those which we are unable to see and those are occurring problems in life. These are mental and emotional obstacles which are blocking our way. It is needed to clear them as soon as possible so that we lead a happy and healthy life. Pranayama, the age-old practice is the finest way to get ourselves free from these hurdles. It releases the flow of prana or life energy. The regular practice of pranayama helps in changing your whole well-being.

Pranayama was discovered long ago from yogic practices in India. It is done by controlling the breath in various styles and lengths. Pranayama is the fourth limb of yoga. It is also believed that one can become able to control the mind with the practice of regulating the breath, known as Pranayama.

  • Introduction Of Pranayama
  • Benefits Of Pranayama
  • Pranayama And Lifestyle
  • Types Of Breathing
  • Sitting Posture For Pranayama
  • Nadishodhana Pranayama
  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Sheetkari Pranayama
  • Bramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda Pranayama
  • Chandra Bheda Pranyama
  • Introduction To Yoga Mudras
  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Ashwani Mudra
  • Nasikagra Mudra
  • Preparation For Bandha
  • Benefits Of Bandha
  • Mula bandha
  • Jalandharabandha
  • Uddiyanabandha

Yoga Philosophy

This propagates the idea of yoga as a way of thinking that benefits from rehearses. The yoga philosophy or the way of thinking about yoga helps you achieve harmony and tranquillity in life and brings unending joy, physical and mental stability, and great thinking power. This course helps you to understand the reasonings for yoga.

Maharishi Patanjali is the founder of Yoga philosophy. Yoga philosophy is one of the six theistic philosophies (Shad Darshanas). The first book of this philosophy is the Yoga Sutras. Yoga philosophy is also known as Seshvara Sankhya or Theistic Sankhya. Because it accepts almost all the beliefs of Sankhya in relation to life and the world. Also, it accepts the existence of God. In yoga philosophy, God is described as a special power who remains unaffected by tribulation, karma, result, ideal, culture, etc. Its function is not to provide liberation, but only to remove obstacles from the path of the seeker. The Bhagavad Gita is also called Yoga Shastra i.e. the manual of Yoga.

  • Introduction To Yoga And Its Evolution
  • What Is Darsan
  • Evolution Of Nature
  • Introduction To Yoga Sutra
  • Yogic Discipline
  • Patanjali’s Definition Of Yoga
  • How To Achieve Goal Of Yoga
  • Concept Of Iswara
  • Importance Of Aum
  • Concept Of Kleshas
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Introduction Of Bhagwat Gita
  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga

Alignment And Adjustment

While performing certain asanas, you might feel stress on your muscles. Don't worry if you feel so because it is normal. Wear and Tear on joints and muscles while getting into the practice of yoga is not a big. No matter you're a beginner or experienced, you can experience some sudden or sharp pain in a particular pose. This can sometimes leads to injury. Don't get scared! To avoid risk of injuries and pain, Alignment classes are organised.

So, what exactly an alignment class is? In an Alignment class, you will learn the precise and ideal way to perform any given pose so that you can get maximum benefits of it and minimize the risk of injury. It normalize the use of props and modifications during yoga asanas. When you get to know alignment, then you can make any pose work for you.

  • Samasthithi
  • Trikonasana
  • Parivirta Trikonasana
  • Parsavkonasana
  • Parivirta Parsavkonasana
  • Ardha Chandrasana
  • Parivirta Ardha Chandrasana
  • Virbhdrasana 1,2,3
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimotasana
  • Purvottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Ardha Matsyendranath Asana
  • Santoolan Asana
  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Adho Mukha Swanasna
  • Bhujanghasana
  • Titli Asana
  • Chakrasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Matsyasanad
  • Sirsasana A
  • Sirsasana B
  • Pinch Mayurasana
  • Adho Mukha Vriksasana
  • Bakasana
  • Ek Pada Bakasana
  • Parsva Bakasana
  • Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1
  • Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2
  • Titibasana
  • Assistence Of Ashtanga Jumps
  • Bhramcharya Asana


"Shat" means "Six" and "Karma" means "Actions". Shatkarma is the six actions which are done for the purification of the body. It is a part of yogic practice and has been done by people for a long. The aim of shatkarma is to remove toxins or impurities which has accumulated in our bodies. It is also helpful in curing various types of diseases. These six types of cleansing actions are as follows-

  • Neti - It is a nasal cleaning process which is basically done by a neti pot using lukewarm water.
  • Dhauti - It is an alimentary canal cleansing process which eliminates impurities from the digestive tract.
  • Basti - Basti is the Shatkarma process for the cleansing of the colon.
  • Trataka - It is a shatkarma gazing practice which is helpful in improving vision and curing headaches.
  • Nauli - It is an abdomen cleansing process which is done by massaging the stomach muscle in a clockwise and then anti-clockwise direction.
  • Kapalbhati - It is also known as "Shining Skull", done by inhalation and exhalation.
  • Jala Neti
  • Rubber Neti
  • Kunjal
  • Danda Dhauti
  • Nauli Kriya
  • Shankhaprakshalana

Yoga Anatomy And Physiology

The anatomy and physiology of yoga are related to the medical benefits of this ancient art on the muscles, bones, and the entire anatomy of the individual. The extraordinary yoga poses that are focused on the various life structures and restrictions of the body are considered here.

Anatomy is a branch of science dealing with the bodily structure of a living being. You will get to know a complete understanding of the inner structure and the movements associated with each pose. It revolves around the layers of the body, mind, and energies flowing in the body. In simple words, yoga anatomy teaches you everything in relation to body organs, tissues, muscles, and so on. Yoga Physiology is that branch that explains the functions of organisms. It makes you understand the basic functioning of the cell and living beings at the molecular level. In simple words, Physiology is about learning yoga asanas, breathing techniques, and more.

  • Introduction to Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
  • Organization of the Human Body
  • 5 Important Levels of Body Organization
  • 11 Major Systems of the Human Body
  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal System
  • Joints of the Human Body and their Functions in Yoga
  • Overview of Ligaments, Tendons and Cartilage
  • Anatomy of Human Vertebral Column
  • Introduction to Spinal Deformities, Scoliosis, Lordosis and Kyphosis and their Cure with Yogic Practices
  • Major Muscle Groups in the Human Body and their Physiology in Yoga Practices
  • Muscle Bone Relationship with Yoga
  • Preparation of Yoga Sequences for Specific Muscles Groups
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Respiratory System
  • Asana and Pranayama Practices to Improve the System of Prana
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Cardiovascular System
  • Role of Inversions in Circulation
  • Functioning of the Human Heart, Blood Pressure and Yoga Relationship
  • Yoga and Pranayama to Improve Circulation of Blood in the Body
  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Shoulder
  • Bones and Muscles of Shoulder Joints
  • Shoulder Opening Yoga Sequence Preparation
  • Rotator Cuff Muscles and their Role in Yoga Posture
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Digestion
  • Food Types and their Effect on the Human Body
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Glands in Human
  • Location of Glands and Hormones and the Chakras Associated with them
  • Structure of the Pelvic Area
  • Study of Bones and Muscles of the Pelvis, Hip Flexors, Adductors and Adductor Muscles
  • Pelvis Opening Yoga Sequencing
  • Thoracic Section Opening Sequencing
  • Anatomy of the Nervous System and its Physiological Relevance in Yoga
  • Reflex Actions, Sensory and Motor Neurons and Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Knee Anatomy and Physiology
  • Overview of Mcl, Lcl, Acl, Pcl And their Role in Balancing Posture
  • Introduction to Immune System Physiology
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Shatkarma
  • Anatomical Sequencing of Yoga Poses to Avoid Injuries During Asana Classes
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Pranayama Practices
  • Diaphragmatic Movement, Intercostal Muscle Movement and Lung Capacity


Meditation is the process of calming the mind. It strengthens your mental power so that you respond well to your day-to-day chores. It has various benefits, one most important is to keep you stress-free and calm.

Meditation is not only about closing your eyes. It's about concentration; It's about focus. You can do this by closing or keeping your eyes open. You need to detach yourself from your surroundings. Keep the focus on a single thing or thought, but that should be positive. When you do so, you connect yourself with the divinity. And when you connect with the divine energy, you sense calmness and peace which is certainly the most crucial in present times.

  • Introduction to Meditation
  • Meaning of Meditation
  • Meditation defination
  • Importance of Meditation in modern time
  • Different Kinds of Meditation: Active Meditation and Silent Meditation
  • Preparation for Meditation: Lifestyle and Right Attitude towards Meditation
  • Kaya sthairyam(Body steadiness)
  • Breath awareness meditation
  • Ajapa Mefitation
  • Trataka Meditation
  • Aum meditation
  • Japa Meditation
  • Yoga nidra Meditation
  • Keertan Meditation
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Singing bowl meditation
  • Mudra Meditation

Questions You May Have

Some Doubts You May Have Before Joining Our Yoga Teacher Training Course

You will require a tourist visa. You can apply for the same on the government website. Link as follows: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html When asked for the purpose of your trip, mention ‘Yoga Course’.

You must have completed a 200 hour course to enroll for this course.

Yes, this course is certified by the Yoga Alliance, USA.

Yes, this certificate allows you to teach Yoga in any part of the world.

Yes, you will be trained in advanced asanas and other advanced techniques as a part of this course.

There is a difference in the course structure and depth of practice between the 200 and 300 hour courses.

Yes, you can start teaching after successful completion of the course.

You will be able to teach Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Yoga, Power Yoga and Restorative Yoga, on successful completion of the course.

Yes, Sundays will be free.

To confirm a seat for the 300 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh please fill out the Registration Form and we will get back to you.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh


300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Shared Room

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Private Room

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Yoga Hall

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh


What's More in the Bucket?

Other Yoga Teacher Training Programs in Rishikesh, India

Rishikesh Yogkulam® is a registered yoga school in Rishikesh, offering various yoga teacher training courses. The courses are for students of all levels. Beginner to Master level students can enrol in the courses of their choice and begin their yoga journey in India. The courses are taught by well-qualified professionals in the same field with years of working experience and knowledge.

Our Expert Team of Teachers

Best Yoga Teachers in Rishikesh, India


Hatha Yoga & Ashtanga Vinyasa

Born in the lap of the Holy Ganga, at the feet of the Bhootnath Shiva Temple, amidst the forests of the Himalayas, Dhirendra reveals himself as a nature lover and spiritual seeker. Having started his schooling at the tender age of 5, from one of the oldest, most iconic and traditional schools of Rishikesh, Dhirendra believes he was drawn to Yoga by a mystical force as he practiced asanas during the physical education lessons in school. He began to live the yogic way of life from that early age and embraced spirituality as his routines began with worshipping Lord Shiva and the Holy Ganga and continued with practising asanas, eating satvik food and attending music lessons. It was under the able guidance of his Guru Narender Gusain that he was able to leave all his vices and practice Yoga religiously. His dedication was such that there were times that he would practice till his body was sore, and it was around this time that he realized that the external appreciation and praise were pointless and the true meaning of Yoga was the alignment of the body, mind and soul, being able to appreciate himself from within. The next part of his training came under Guru Nalin Sharma, under whom he learned Yogic Philosophy and spiritual growth and finally under Guru Roshan Singh, Dhirendra underwent lessons on personal growth. When his three Gurus thought he was ready, Dhirendra started the Yoga school with one goal - helping other seekers on their yogic journey to explore their full potential.

team 10+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Anatomy & Physiology

Amit Payal, the founder of Rishikesh Yogkulam®, is an E-RYT 500-Hour Yoga instructor with a Master's degree in Yoga Science. He is a well-known, appreciated and celebrated Yoga master in Rishikesh, India. With several specialisations like Alignment, Adjustment, Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga philosophy, Anatomy and Pranayama, Amit ensures that his pupils , whether teachers or students, push their limits, test their boundaries and achieve their goals. As warm as he is passionate about Yoga, he makes sure each and every person that comes through his school leaves there, confident about their capabilities and with a feeling of oneness and family. He has been conducting teacher training courses regularly for more than five years and has taught more than 100 YTTC's to seekers from across the globe. His experience, skill and warmth help all his students journey into their minds and bodies as he adeptly schools them in breath control and movement - the pillars of a Yoga practice. Amit believes it vital that his teachings convey the profound, authentic and ancient knowledge of Yoga and it's millennia-old traditions.

team 10+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Yin Yoga & Meditation

Ella is an ex marketing manager who has always been very curios about the human mind and the holistic approaches, which led her to study Neuro Linguistic Programming and Aromatherapy. Her journey into yoga begun in a period were she was experiencing a deep depression and she couldn't find a purpose to live. Moved by an inner call, she decided to go to India and enroll in a yoga course and that's when her life had a turn point. After short, she healed completely from depression, and inspired by the incredible change yoga brought into her life she decided to continue to deepen her studies by taking teacher training courses, retreats and workshop specializing herself in Yin Yoga, meditation techniques (especially Buddhist, Osho, yoga nidra), Pranayama, and Reiki. For her Yin Yoga practice she takes inspiration from Sarah Powers, with whom she did a course in London; and Paul Grilley. Her classes are focused to release the blockages from the body, both mental and physical. In her cueing, you can find many anatomical as psychological and spiritual aspects. She always puts great emphasis on breathing techniques during the class and meditation, both before and after the practice. Since her passion for music and naturopathy, she also likes to add mantra chanting, sound healing and aromatherapy in her classes. Her favourite motto is "Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end."

team 10+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Alignment & Adjustment

Pankaj Sharma was born and brought up in the foothills of Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh. After the completion of B.A in Sanskrit, he moved to Rishikesh and spent 8 years of his life in an ashram, learning yoga in the age-old Gurukul style leading a disciplined and yogic life. To Satiate his urge for knowledge Pankaj went on to pursue a Masters's degree in Yoga simultaneously teaching in various ashrams and Yoga schools. Due to his early induction to ashram life, Pankaj at a very young age has carved a niche for himself in yoga with his teaching skills and knowledge in Vedas, Upanishads, and philosophy.

team 10+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Ashtanga Vinyasa

A distinguished and time-honoured individual, Jitu ji embodies traditionalism. He completed his Bachelor's in Sanskrit from Parmarth Niketan Ashram here in Rishikesh itself and went on to pursue his Master's in Yoga from the prestigious Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. He has spent over 10 years of his life in various ashrams like Bhagirathi Dham Ashram and Anand Dham Ashram. While he teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa at our school, his classical method of teaching brings students in, leaving them with a sense of gratitude and fulfilment.

team 10+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Yog Nidra & Meditation

As a teacher, Deepa Negi Mira focuses largely on Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Mantra Chanting, and Laughing Yoga. She has fondly been teaching 200 hours and 300 hours of Yoga teacher training courses at various prestigious yoga schools for more than 12 years. For many, spirituality may have a definition differentiating from one another, but for Deepa  ‘spirituality’ is all about peace of mind, being consistent within striking a perfect balance with yourself. After having gained tremendous support and respect from all those who value her deep inside, she thinks that spirituality is something that can be found in nature. Other than imparting various aspects of yoga, Deepa Ji is fond of capturing shots and taking a pleasant walk in nature. Traveling is something that has always fascinated her and she does not think twice when it comes to giving a touch of discovery.

team 20+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Mantra Chanting

Mandeepji came to Rishikesh in 2002 and wrapped himself in the practise of Yoga by the banks of the holy river Ganga for years. Having completed his early education from the renowned Parmarth Niketan Ashram, he has been expounding his knowledge of Mantra Chanting, Yoga Philosophy and Meditation unto other seekers for more than 10 years now. Besides this, he is a learned astrologer and has been practising the same for more than 9 years. Not stopping there, Mandeepji also possesses a deep interest in music and is also a sound healing expert. Indeed a maestro in his field, Mandeepji, with a staggering 18 years of experience in Yoga practice, goes above and beyond to motivate his students to explore and realize their full potential!

team 20+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Yoga philosophy, Meditation

Sadhu Shri Ji has a deep knowledge in philosophy owing to his specialization in Indian Philosophy. He has studied Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Upanishads, and Buddhist literature in depth which has contributed immensely to his knowledge of philosophy and history. Now, for many years, the Yoga Guru has been sharing his valuable experience of philosophy with his students along with teaching his students on how to use the knowledge in day-to-day routine life with the help of practical approach backed by reasoning. He has been helping hundreds of students every year to explore the deeper layers of yoga and become proficient tutors. He began his journey of learning from the Divine Life Society, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh. Later on, he added several feathers to his caps.

team 20+ Year Of Experience In Yoga


Sound Healing, Reiki

Siddha Ji brings a wealth of knowledge from his diverse experience and background, he has been formally educated with a master of business administration in marketing management and a postgraduate in retail management and also has a degree in geography. He has experience in working with Multinational companies in Dubai and India. Teaching yoga classes quickly took over and he has begun to share his passion for it. His yoga classes blend his love of creative ways of sharing this traditional knowledge with a modern aspect that connects the students deeply. With his continuous studies of different breathing practices (Pranayama), Safe alignment, and yoga as a modality to heal. There is a major focus on mindfulness, body and breathing awareness, Yoga Nidra, and various techniques of meditation as well as dipping into the more subtle aspects of yoga. Both his versatile background and his studies on yoga opened up his intuition towards the unity in the universe, Jehir draws his inspiration from various areas of life and spread this creatively and inspires generously.

team 10+ Year Of Experience In Yoga

Experience the Best Yoga Teacher Training Course of Your Life.

Rishikesh Yogkulam Exists To Bring The Authentic Teachings Of Yoga Back to yoga; both on and off the mat.

Join Our Course Now

Rishikesh Yogakulam's Reviews

What Students Say About Rishikesh Yogkulam®

Andrea Gelpi testimonial

Andrea Gelpi

200 Hour YTTC


Yogkulam means family. They have been my family during this month of September. I have to say that this school is run from the heart, with highly qualified teachers, where I have learned from their experience and wisdom. With love and affection they have been aware of all our concerns and have taken great care of us. They are serious and professional, wanting to transmit yoga in the best way. And the views from the school are amazing. Al the best 😘

Jorge Gonzalez testimonial

Jorge Gonzalez

200 Hour YTTC


Yogkulam truly is a yoga family. Very quickly we became like a family, sharing thoughts, ideas, dreams and cultural exchange. It was such a humbling experience, the teachers were great, overall the course syllabus is very complete. I learned so much about the lifelong journey that yoga represents. It was challenging everyday but there Is nothing that I regret coming to yogkulam. The food everyday was so delicious and nutritious, Sunil really took care of us. It was such a fresh and fun training because the teachers are young and very knowledgeable. Special thanks to Amitji and Jituji, our asana and theory teachers, and my dear friends!

Lucy Robertson testimonial

Lucy Robertson

200 Hour Online YTTC


I recently completed my 200 hour online teacher training with Rishikesh yogkulam and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to undertake a teacher training course. Don't look any further! The teachers are incredibly knowledgeable, and are always available to answer any question. I loved the holistic approach to the curriculum with Hatha Asana, Ayurveda, Philosophy, Pranayama, and Meditation training. This holistic approach to teacher training helped me develop a wider perspective and learn how each is interconnected. Thank you Rishikesh yogkulam :)

Crystal Osuji testimonial

Crystal Osuji

200 Hour YTTC


What a phenomenal month-long journey to the self with these guys! Rishikesh Yogkulam went above and beyond my expectations for a TTC. All of the teachers are very relatable and extremely passionate and knowledgeable about their craft. Going into the experience, I wanted to be able to take away as much information as I could to pass along to my future yoga students. This program really prepares you with all the tools you need and gives you the confidence you need to be an amazing yoga teacher. Thank you for sharing your culture and love of yoga with me. Rishikesh Yogkulam is an unforgettable experience. Thank you.

Reena testimonial


200 Hour YTTC


Wow!!! Having completed many courses in my life I left Yogkulam feeling inspired and wanting to learn more. The passion of ancient yogic knowledge oozes from the teachers who with love, respect and dignity hold true to what they believe and what they have been taught. They looked after my inflexible body and on my journey have knowingly or unknowingly taught me to respect and expand on the limitations which I have put on myself throughout my life. The 200Hr TTC is well thought out with great teachings on all levels of the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of life. Be inspired, feel whole and let go. We create our own walls so when you are ready free yourself. There’s only one place I can recommend in Rishikesh to study yoga and that is Yogkulam. Join the family.

Eva Drabkova testimonial

Eva Drabkova

500 Hour YTTC


If you do care more for the content than the famous name, then go for this school. Led by experienced teachers Dee and Amit in a professional way, yet very friendly atmosphere. I felt at home from the very first moment. We were a small group and thanks to it received all the attention from our teachers and got answers to all our questions. Many new inputs and inspiration for yoga practice. Premises are beautiful and the food is delicious prepared by the smiling chef :). Thank you for the unforgettable and beautiful experience!

Anaïs Guyon testimonial

Anaïs Guyon

200 Hour YTTC


I will highly recommend this school, with an extremely professional team of teachers. Because it's a small structure you will benefit from the best attention which is a really important point to choose a school and to progress I think. I took my training course with Amit and I can affirm he is a very good teacher, extremely knowledgeable, and overachiever. Him and all the team will take you high in your practice, your knowledge and will give you the confidence to teach your turn. Rishikesh yogkulam is a good choice!

Lucy Roberts testimonial

Lucy Roberts

300 Hour YTTC


I followed my previous teacher Dee for my 300 hour yoga teacher training course to his new school which he runs with Amit, both exceptional teachers. My knowledge of asana and alignment has improved especially but all the classes were brilliant. The course is intense but well worth it. The food is delicious and cooked with love every single day. The rooms are light, bright, clean and spacious. The teachers took us on excursions around rishikesh on our day off, invited us to an Indian wedding and threw a lovely birthday celebration for one of the girls on the course. My group was small and we had a very special bond with each other by the end. Can’t thank the teachers enough. I highly recommend this school.

Jennifer Santiago testimonial

Jennifer Santiago

500 Hour YTTC


I did a lot of research for the perfect school and I am so glad I found it! The teachers are amazing, full of knowledge, willing to help you grow, always an ear for your questions, assistance if you have any problem or health issues, respect full and always in a good mood to share wonderful experiences and memories with you. I can't say enough thank you for all your kindness and knowledge I got from all the teachers of Rishikesh Yogkulam. I definitely will be back to keep studying with all of them. And a big hug to my colleagues there was one of a kind and so happy to have shared all this experience with them too. Definitely this school is the best you can find in Rishikesh. Dhanyawad

Hannah testimonial


200 Hour YTTC


Dhi and Amit gurujis will teach you to be both flexible and strong at the same time. I am so grateful I was able to learn from the best. They have the knowledge and passion to train you to be a better yogi and improve your practice. I have so much respect for both, and am so excited to see that they have teamed up to start a school that will optimally train your body, mind and spirit to be “healthy and happy”. I would highly recommend it to any yogi to learn from Dhi and Amit. You will gain lifelong friends, not just teachers.

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Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh
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Rishikesh Yogkulam® Trustpilot Reviews



Based on 136 Reviews

trustpilot Nov 4, 2022

Highly Recommended..

Highly recommended... I'm a beginner, just practicing yoga from last month. Here, i learn 60+ asanas within a month and gain knowledge of pranayama, meditation and so on... Trainers are good... Here, i am getting good and healthy foods everyday.. Rishikesh is the best place to practice yoga.. If I step out of the room in school, always i can hear ganga sound and beautiful view... It's a good experience...


trustpilot Nov 12, 2022

Experiencing the subtler realities of Yoga

A once in a lifetime experience, very well crafted and packaged with a lot of love and affection. The team is motivated towards helping everyone achieve the collective goal. 360 degree perspective on the entire circle of Indian philosophy which gives a deeper understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing.Even after the course ends you may leave physically but mentally you are still in Yogkulam."You can check out anytime you like but you may never leave"Highly recommended school.

rohan Jadhav

trustpilot Nov 6, 2022

I have just finished 180 hours TTC

I have just finished 180 hours TTC. Yogakulam structured the path of Yoga for me.It was more than a course, was a life changing experience. Thank you so much.

Kumar Kartikeya

trustpilot Aug 31, 2021

It was very wonderful journey for me .I…

It was very wonderful journey for me .I have completed 200 Hours . My life has been changed after taking daily sessions . Now it will a lifelong learning for me . Thanks to my teacher .

Girish Pokhriyal

yogkulam Nov 6, 2022

Calm and peaceful centre

I have completed my 2 month yoga practices, the yogkulam is best in my opinion, trainer is also humble . My mind has calm after these session. Thank you so much...

aakash kumar

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Guiding principles and the sacred thread of discipline

Hello and welcome to the Yoga Teacher Training! We're excited to embark on this new journey together, where we'll nurture your body, mind, and soul. Let's make this experience truly enjoyable to reap the maximum benefits.

General Information:

  • To enhance your yoga practice, we kindly request that you refrain from consuming drugs, smoking, and drinking alcohol during the training.
  • Sundays are your day to relax and rejuvenate! We won't have any lessons scheduled, and there won’t be any meals on Sunday so you can enjoy and explore the cafes around. Additionally, all our excursions will be organized on Sundays, and we'll share the plans with you one day in advance.
  • If you need laundry service, don't worry; we've got you covered! You can get your laundry done at a reasonable price of 20 INR per piece. Simply reach out to our reception for more details, and please remember to pay in cash when you collect your fresh laundry.
  • For your comfort and convenience, our school provides room cleaning service every week. We'll keep you informed about the schedule, so you can always have a tidy space to relax in.
  • To stay hydrated, we have filtered water available in the kitchen area, and there's a water dispenser offering hot, cold, and normal water.
  • During the course, we may capture pictures and videos of our school and students. Occasionally, our school photographer might be present during classes. If you prefer not to have your photos taken, please let the admin in charge know during the orientation program.
  • Let's be mindful of our energy consumption! Remember to turn off all electrical appliances, such as fans, lights, heaters, and geysers, when they are not in use.
  • Your well-being is essential to us. In case of any medical emergency, you can contact Amit Ji, Dheru Ji, Jittu Ji, Pankaj Ji, or Ella Ji at any time. Please note that medical expenses are not covered by the school.
  • We want you to have a focused and immersive experience, so we kindly ask that no friends, relatives, or outsiders stay with the participants, unless you've informed us beforehand and received permission.
  • If you won't be eating at the school, please let us know in advance (at least 3 hours before) to avoid food wastage. In case you tell us at last moment or do not inform us, INR 100 would be deducted per meal.
  • As you immerse yourself in the Indian experience, our food options align with the local cuisine. We offer a variety of nutritious meals, including legumes as a protein source for vegetarian diets (eggs are not considered veg in India), chapati and rice as carbohydrates, cooked and raw vegetables, and fruits during breakfast. If you prefer specific products, you can explore the organic store nearby. Your profound understanding and the warmth you bring infuse a unique essence into our shared journey. Together, let's nurture Kritajna (gratitude) for the nourishing meals that is provided to us.
  • While using cups or glasses, please be considerate and don't leave them on the stairs or roof. It's essential to take care of your personal belongings. Keep them in a safe place and lock your room whenever you're outside. Also, don't forget to close your windows, as we wouldn't want any monkeys dropping in unexpectedly.
  • To ensure the upkeep of our facilities, a deposit of 1000 INR may be requested in case of any damage or loss to the school's property. Rest assured, if everything is in order on the check-out day, the deposit will be returned to you.
  • Our school gate closes at 10 pm for security purposes. Please make sure you're on the premises before that time. Please remember that arriving after the closing time will be considered a violation of our institution's code.
  • Engaging in the sacred practice of silence and mindful consumption: we humbly request students to embrace the art of quiet reflection and mindful savoring from the waking time and during breakfast until 9 am. Following this, feel free to converse openly as usual. Throughout classes, you are welcome to pose questions at any moment.
  • Let's be environmentally conscious and reduce our usage of toilet paper. All our bathrooms are equipped with jet sprays, and if you're unfamiliar with using them, just ask our friendly office staff for assistance. For the shower we advice to use the bucket as it is easier and more environmental friendly.
  • Power cuts are pretty common in India, especially during the summer, so just remember that during those times, your AC and water boiler won't be available.
  • Please avoid feeding the monkeys on the school premises, as they can sometimes get a little feisty and aggressive. Also, while strolling around Rishikesh, it's best not to eat while walking, as it might attract monkeys and cows who are quite the food enthusiasts! During your stay, we recommend steering clear of street foods to avoid any potential tummy troubles. Stick to filtered water for drinking, and you'll be good to go! Just a friendly reminder to enjoy raw fruits and veggies in moderation as It's easy to get a tummy issue
  • Let's embrace the traditional Indian environment around us. To respect the local customs, it's best to refrain from public displays of affection on the school premises.
  • On the check-in day, no activities or meals are provided, but don't worry, everything will kick off on the 2nd day and in the meantime you can explore the several options around the campus.
  • if you haven't mentioned any allergies or intolerances on the arrival form, we may need to add a small extra charge of $50 (4000 INR).
Class information:
  • It's important to attend all classes, as we require a minimum of 100% attendance to issue your certificate. However, we understand that sometimes illness can happen, and in such cases, please inform your teachers.
  • The attendance register is for our teachers to handle. We kindly ask that students not fill it out themselves.
  • During the teacher training, you'll experience hands-on adjustments. If you're ever uncomfortable with this approach, feel any pain, or simply prefer to learn differently, please speak up. Your comfort matters!
  • For a focused and tranquil atmosphere, we request that you don't bring any food or drinks (except water) inside the yoga hall.
  • Be mindful of the time and arrive at least five minutes before class starts. This way, we can begin on time and make the most of our sessions.
  • During classes, let's stay away from mobile phones for external communication or social media usage. We want to create a positive and focused environment for everyone.
  • Please avoid lying down or sitting on your books/manuals during classes, as it's considered disrespectful to the teachers and the Indian culture.
  • To receive your certificate, make sure to submit your assignments by the 21st, and your exam sessions will be held between the 19th and 23rd.
  • We're all one big family here, so let's treat each other with respect and kindness. This includes our staff, teachers, and fellow trainees.
  • Maintaining a yogic atmosphere is crucial. Let's steer clear of any verbal or physical harm towards others. Any inappropriate behavior, like breaking the code of discipline, stealing, damaging school property, discrimination, or sexual harassment, will not be tolerated and could result in being declined from the course.

Bear in mind that this is an intense teacher training program, demanding both physically and mentally and following these guidelines will help to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone. Let's cherish this unique experience together and make the most of it! If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Happy learning and practicing! Namaste!