Pushan Mudra: A Gesture Of Nourishment

Pushan Mudra: A Gesture Of Nourishment

In the sphere of yoga different postures are recommended for various diseases treatment. For decades now, yoga practitioners have always taken advantage of mudras as these are the kind of hand gestures people make when meditating.itation or even while performing a breathing exercise called “pranayama”. An example of mudras is Pushan mudra.

The practice called as Pushan mudra involves principles of Prana, Vyana and Apana for providing complete wellness by enhancing digestion and nourishment. This mudra helps in improving the health of our digestive system while enriching the memory and creating a sense of mental alertness in our bodies. As such, it is very important for students as these groups require much attention to their health.

The Pushan mudra involves bringing together two hands in such a way that the right one forms the Apana mudra whilst the left hand assumes the prana mudra.

Let's delve into the benefits of the Pushan Mudra and explore how to perform it.

Also Read: Agni Mudra: Meaning, Benefits and How to do it

One such simple but effective hand symbolism is called the Pushan Mudra that brings about a satisfying feeling as well as nourishment. Here are the steps to perform this mudra:

  • Sit in a relaxed manner with the palm-upwards being placed on the thighs/knees. Meditation in some ideal posture like Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana or Vajrasana for instance helps the practice
  • With your eyes closed, take several deep breaths with attention to your breath
  • Using your right hand: Put your middle and ring finger together by touching them to the tip of your thumbs. Extend the other two fingers
  • Using your left hand (for lower-GI-tract issues): Bend the ring finger and small finger downward toward the tip of your thumb, maintaining the middle and index fingers upright
  • Using your left hand (for upper-GI-tract issues): Keep the thumb’s tip straight and press the tips of the index finger and middle finger together, leaving the other two fingers straight
  • This should be completed at the same time using the two hands with palm positions on top
  • Perform this mudra in one session a day of thirty minutes or three sessions of approximately ten to twelve minutes each. The good news is it can be done on a full stomach – an empty one isn’t needed. Pushan mudra can be learned in standing posture, lying position or seated posture.

The first technique in performing Pushan Mudra involves the advantages of mixing Prana Mudra with Apana Mudra. In the second approach, these two methods are combined; combining the benefits of both Vyan Mudra and Apana Mudra. Here are the key benefits:

  • In the body it balances the three doshas – Vata, Kapha, and Pitta
  • Manage both high blood pressure and low blood pressure
  • Good for pregnant women and for the heart
  • Activating the Manipura chakra (solar plexus) and Swadhisthana chakra (sacral)
  • Can be used for managing diabetes when practiced regularly
  • Helps with perspiration and maintenance of body heat
  • Enhances memory and concentration
  • Hits acupressure points related to breathing and stomach health
  • Relieves one of indigestion, gas, acidity, and constipation
  • Alleviates urinary issues.

Also Read: How to do Anjali Mudra or Namaste Mudra and its benefits

While mudras offer numerous benefits, it's important to exercise some precautions for optimal results:

  • Do not put on tight garments before practicing the Pushan mudra or any yoga mudra techniques
  • Ensure you don’t over press while making hand gestures
  • This mudra should be approached with caution by persons suffering from hypertension.

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