Category: Pranayama

Agni Mudra: Meaning, Benefits and How to do it

Discover how Agni Mudra can boost your inner fire. Learn the benefits, steps, and practices for better digestion and energy.

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What are the Different Types of Breathing in Yoga?

Learn what the yoga breath is and how you can use amazing yoga breath exercises to release stress, clear you energy, and focus your mind.

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How Can a Beginner Start Practicing Pranayama Safely An...

Begin your pranayam journey with our expert tips for safe and effective breathing techaniques for beginners.

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3 Types(Category) of Pranayama and Their Benefits

Explore the 3 types or category of pranayama and their bnefits, Learn how these breathing techniques can improve your overall well-being with the guid...

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Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath) -Steps and Benefits

Breath like Bee with Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath) in easy steps: reduce stress, enhance concentration, and find peace. Ideal for all levels.

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Uddiyana Bandha Step By Step Instruction

Master Uddiyana Bandha with easy step by step instructions. Deepen your uddiyana bandha practice. Perfect for all levels

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6 Types of Yogic kriyas and Their Benefits You Need to ...

Learn about the 6 different types of yogic kriyas (Shatkarma) or their benefits and how they can improve your overall health step-by-step guide .

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Bahya Pranayama Benefits: Steps by Step Instructions

Discover the holistic benefits of Bahya Pranayama through our easy step-by-step guide. Enhance your well-being and master your breath today.

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How to do Anjali Mudra or Namaste Mudra and its benefit...

Learn how to perform this easy pose and unlock its potential for calming the mind and relieving stress. Find the simplicity and benefits of Anjali Mud...

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Pushan Mudra: A Gesture Of Nourishment

Learn how to do Pushan Mudra, a simple yet profound hand gesture that enhances digestion, balances energy, and nurtures mental clarity.

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